Our values

Growth, economic and social development depend on fruitful interaction between multiple stakeholders within states: politicians, central and de- concentrated government units, technical and financial partners, private investors and agents, regional organisations and civil society. Capacity building, change management and training in general are essential keys to achieve these objectives.

The PERSPECTIVE Institute’s goal is to propose outstanding training and institutional support services that are resolutely pragmatic, focused on results, and that target the specific issues of West African and Central African countries.

Driven by the conviction that all bodies within a state must work together in a collective effort to achieve this objective, the Institute aims to develop high-performance solutions adapted to different levels of strategic and technical responsibility and skill, to enable all actors involved to forge ahead and gain the skills necessary to successfully accomplish their missions.

Our catalogue reflects this vision, focusing on the capacities to be developed and skills to be gained to build up the knowledge and know-how necessary for public intervention. Its structure revolves around our commitment to strengthening the capacities of the various stakeholders of economic and social development.

The Institute’s experienced advisors and expert-trainers will share their practical experience with you, illustrating their discourse with multiple concrete cases. They will bring you SOFRECO’s professional and sectorial experience in the form of “good practices”.

We are ready to welcome you under excellent conditions, in easily accessible offices at the gateway to Paris and numerous African cities to meet your needs.

Bolstered by the SOFRECO Group’s thirty-plus years of experience and its capacity to ensure our presence in the countries where you work, the PERSPECTIVE Institute undertakes to be a true partner, at your service and ready to accompany you to provide added value to your projects.

In the perspective of welcoming you to Paris or meeting you at your institution’s head office, we hope that our catalogue will answer your needs,

For the PERSPECTIVE team,

Gilles Dubuisson
Managing Director
Copyright@2025 - PERSPECTIVE Training and Research Institute
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